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Important! The workshop is not a shop or retail outlet, so there are no parts and spare parts available, with the exception of parts for special offers and promotions . We work with wholesale suppliers under an agreement concluded between legal entities, the spare parts ordered by you are brought to the workshop the next working day at 12.00 after full prepayment, while the workshop bears all warranty obligations for quality and compatibility in full.

To select and order spare parts, send the following message to number 89811454966: VIN number, what parts are needed (brake pads, brake discs) and on which axle (front, rear, both axles). In response, you will receive a photo of the table with prices and availability. Next, select the option that suits you and send a message indicating it, then make an advance payment, expect an SMS about the arrival of parts to the workshop. You can also choose the necessary spare parts yourself, the information below will help you with this. We wish you a quick and inexpensive repair!

How to choose spare parts yourself.

For the correct selection of the necessary spare parts, you need to find the vin number of your car. It is located in the TCP of your car (Picture below)

Что такое стс автомобиля.jpg

Then copy \ enter the vin code in any online store where there is a selection by vin numbers. For example here (click "here"),  in the search box enter your vin number

Подбор автозапчастей по каталогу.png

Click on "Search by VIN"

Подбор автозапчастей по каталогу.png

After,  in the sections provided, select the one you need. We are interested in Wheels,  brake  system. Important! V  different online stores and for different cars, the location and name of the sections may be different!

Подбор тормозных дисков Спб.png

Next, we look for and select the desired part, and click on the search icon

Купить тормозные диски недорого Спб.png

That's basically it. Now you know the original codes of the necessary spare parts and some analogue codes, then you can use them in other stores to find and buy the necessary parts!

Подбор аналогов тормозных дисков Спб.png
The workshop carries out the selection of spare parts for the wine code of the car in St. Petersburg. You can send a request for WhatsApp or sign up for an in-person consultation, we will pick up spare parts at you on the spot!
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